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Version 1 Version 2THIS SONG HAS BEEN TRANSPOSED INTO MANY KEYS AS LISTED BELOW I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe Please e mail me with any corrections or suggestions to:- ______________________________________________________________________________ Hello Dolly Louis Armstrong ______________________________________________________________________________ Louis sings this in the key of “ C “ ______________________________________________________________________________ Verse 1 NC C Am I said hel - lo, dolly, well, hel - lo, Dolly. Cmaj7 Cdim G7 It's so nice to have you back where you be - long. G7 Dm Bb You're looking swell, Dolly, I can tell, Dolly. Dm G7 You're still glowing, you're still crowing C Cdim G7 You’re still go - ing strong. C Am I feel that room swaying, while the band's playing Gm7 C7 F One of your old favourite songs, from way back when. E7 Am Em Am Em So, take her wrap, fellas, find her an empty lap, fellas, D7 G7 C Cdim G7 Dolly, never go away again. INTRUMENTAL as per Verse 1 without the words to “SO” then sing as below C Am Cmaj7 Cdim G7 G7 Dm Bb Dm G7 C Cdim G7 C Am Gm7 C7 F E7 Am Em Am Em So, golly, gee, fellas, find her an empty knee, fellas. D7 G7 D7 G7 Dolly'll never go away, I said she'll never go away D7 G7 C G7 C Dolly'll never go away, again. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Verse 1 NC C Am I said hel - lo, dolly, well, hel - lo, Dolly. Dmaj7 Ddim A7 It's so nice to have you back where you be - long. A7 Em C You're looking swell, Dolly, I can tell, Dolly. Em A7 You're still glowing, you're still crowing D Ddim A7 You’re still go - ing strong. D Bm I feel that room swaying, while the band's playing Am7 D7 G One of your old favourite songs, from way back when. F#7 Bm F#m Bm F#m So, take her wrap, fellas, find her an empty lap, fellas, E7 A7 D Ddim A7 Dolly, never go away again. INTRUMENTAL as per Verse 1 without the words to “SO” then sing as below D Bm Dmaj7 Ddim A7 A7 Em C Em A7 D Ddim A7 D Bm Am7 D7 G F#7 Bm F#m Bm F#m So, golly, gee, fellas, find her an empty knee, fellas. E7 A7 E7 A7 Dolly'll never go away, I said she'll never go away E7 A7 D A7 D Dolly'll never go away, again. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Verse 1 NC C Am I said hel - lo, dolly, well, hel - lo, Dolly. Ebmaj7 Ebdim Bb7 It's so nice to have you back where you be - long. Bb7 Fm Db You're looking swell, Dolly, I can tell, Dolly. Fm Bb7 You're still glowing, you're still crowing Eb Ebdim Bb7 You’re still go - ing strong. Eb Cm I feel that room swaying, while the band's playing Bbm7 Eb7 Ab One of your old favourite songs, from way back when. G7 Cm Gm Cm Gm So, take her wrap, fellas, find her an empty lap, fellas, F7 Bb7 Eb Ebdim Bb7 Dolly, never go away again. INTRUMENTAL as per Verse 1 without the words to “SO” then sing as below Eb Cm Ebmaj7 Ebdim Bb7 Bb7 Fm Db Fm Bb7 Eb Ebdim Bb7 Eb Cm Bbm7 Eb7 Ab G7 Cm Gm Cm Gm So, golly, gee, fellas, find her an empty knee, fellas. F7 Bb7 F7 Bb7 Dolly'll never go away, I said she'll never go away F7 Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb Dolly'll never go away, again. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Verse 1 NC C Am I said hel - lo, dolly, well, hel - lo, Dolly. Fmaj7 Fdim C7 It's so nice to have you back where you be - long. C7 Gm Eb You're looking swell, Dolly, I can tell, Dolly. Gm C7 You're still glowing, you're still crowing F Fdim C7 You’re still go - ing strong. F Dm I feel that room swaying, while the band's playing Cm7 F7 Bb One of your old favourite songs, from way back when. A7 Dm Am Dm Am So, take her wrap, fellas, find her an empty lap, fellas, G7 C7 F Fdim C7 Dolly, never go away again. INTRUMENTAL as per Verse 1 without the words to “SO” then sing as below F Dm Fmaj7 Fdim C7 C7 Gm Eb Gm C7 F Fdim C7 F Dm Cm7 F7 Bb A7 Dm Am Dm Am So, golly, gee, fellas, find her an empty knee, fellas. G7 C7 G7 C7 Dolly'll never go away, I said she'll never go away G7 C7 F C7 F Dolly'll never go away, again. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Verse 1 NC C Am I said hel - lo, dolly, well, hel - lo, Dolly. Gmaj7 Gdim D7 It's so nice to have you back where you be - long. D7 Am F You're looking swell, Dolly, I can tell, Dolly. Am D7 You're still glowing, you're still crowing G Gdim D7 You’re still go - ing strong. G Em I feel that room swaying, while the band's playing Dm7 G7 C One of your old favourite songs, from way back when. B7 Em Bm Em Bm So, take her wrap, fellas, find her an empty lap, fellas, A7 D7 G Gdim D7 Dolly, never go away again. INTRUMENTAL as per Verse 1 without the words to “SO” then sing as below G Em Gmaj7 Gdim D7 D7 Am F Am D7 G Gdim D7 G Em Dm7 G7 C B7 Em Bm Em Bm So, golly, gee, fellas, find her an empty knee, fellas. A7 D7 A7 D7 Dolly'll never go away, I said she'll never go away A7 D7 G D7 G Dolly'll never go away, again. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Verse 1 NC C Am I said hel - lo, dolly, well, hel - lo, Dolly. Amaj7 Adim E7 It's so nice to have you back where you be - long. E7 Bm G You're looking swell, Dolly, I can tell, Dolly. Bm E7 You're still glowing, you're still crowing A Adim E7 You’re still go - ing strong. A F#m I feel that room swaying, while the band's playing Em7 A7 D One of your old favourite songs, from way back when. C#7 F#m C#m F#m C#m So, take her wrap, fellas, find her an empty lap, fellas, B7 E7 A Adim E7 Dolly, never go away again. INTRUMENTAL as per Verse 1 without the words to “SO” then sing as below A F#m Amaj7 Adim E7 E7 Bm G Bm E7 A Adim E7 A F#m Em7 A7 D C#7 F#m C#m F#m C#m So, golly, gee, fellas, find her an empty knee, fellas. B7 E7 B7 E7 Dolly'll never go away, I said she'll never go away B7 E7 A E7 A Dolly'll never go away, again. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX